You can limit yourself to boasting about it, to ostentatiously exhibiting it, or you can come to perceive it between your skin and your heart. To live it.
It's a new and impalpable luxury offered to you by our spa hotel on the Paganella plateau.
It is in the deep meaning underlying the Alp & Wellness Sport Hotel Panorama, a name that is the mirror of our soul and the essence of the values to which we hold dear.
It is a philosophy.

A philosophy of meeting.
That chance meeting, the perfect one, that happens once in a lifetime and, through its power, changes your life forever. This is how the Paganella plateau has marked our destiny. With its tranquility, its wide-open spaces, the purity of its air and water, this corner of Trentino has continued to enchant our family for more than 130 years.

If you, too, are waiting for an meeting that can change your life, you can find it here.
